+91 7845865561
Film Maker
Greetings Jamie Aronson here, filmmaker and psychic. Ramesh thank you. It is extremely rare for me to feel understood by coaches. With Ramesh, I felt heard and guided in a clear and precise way. We traveled to the past to the present to the future to clear blocks around finances which was one of the reasons why I chose to be coached by Ramesh and I am so pleased to report that after our third session, I then received money and there is this whole new clarity, I feel around Money and also around my psychic abilities. There were some blocks there that we removed so thank you for supporting me in a gentle way to address my fears to become conscious of certain fears. Also to balance out my masculine and feminine energy. I am honored to have met you and look forward to continuing our work in the future. Cheers blessings peace
Communication Coach
Hello, my name is Barb Abramson. I am a communications coach and I work with people to help them have a greater understanding on how to connect with each other. I think one of the best connections I have ever made is with Jothi Ramesh. He is an intuitive coach and he has helped me to look at life in new ways. I tend to be sometimes a little unorganized and I take on a lot of projects and he helped me put together some starters for the day to help center myself to help focus in a new way and it's really been life-changing. I have found that I have made more money than I ever thought I would. He has helped me to focus on the abundance in my life And I cannot thank you enough Jothi for all you have done to me. I truly look forward to our sessions to the new ideas and thoughts that you bring. It's really been a pleasure and I look forward to many more sessions to come and I would say to anybody interested in having more abundance in their life that Jothi Ramesh is the person that you need to work with. Thank you.
Hi, this testimonial is for Jothi Ramesh. Ramesh, I just wanted to say thank you for the work that we've done together. He and I have been working together for gosh already it seems like 2 months. The time has just flown by. When I started working with Ramesh, I really wanted some tools to help me move forward as a business owner also to help me personally working with a lot of the stress and emotion, that I have being a mom and a full-time business owner and all of the hats that I wear and so I've really found the coaching sessions just so helpful. It's not just the interaction that we have once a week. It's also the tools that he's giving me to use in between our meetings that have been so helpful. If you are looking for someone to help you in life or business. I highly recommend Ramesh. He definitely shows that he has the experience and also the caring nature to help you work towards your goals
Business Consultant
So every week I have some long meetings with my business partner and we record them so that way if we say something brilliant we can remember what we said, but we also sometimes record video podcasts that way or bloopers for our YouTube Enjoy them. Yes yes yes I did 3 sessions and well we've kind of done some tantric stuff but it's really just an intuitive download thing and it's been really amazing you know I started off with the 3 sessions and we broke down we were like we went back and we went forward and we went Okay life and like all sorts of things and he's just given me a lot of extra tools. He helped me meet some new guides that I still am a little nervous to approach. So I need to work through that which is incredibly interesting but it happened because they scared me when I was a kid and Yeah and I loved the sessions with him so much the 3 sessions that I went ahead and did 3 more because there's still more things to be done And I had another session on New Year's Day and that was fantastic Even the third session he gave me I'm kind of better tools for manifesting which has been fantastic And then this last time he gave me those clearing steps on session or the clearing statements and that new way of going about it which is just mind-blowing But it's all about like using the collective consciousness. So many millions of people in the world Have used those that phrase that there's power in the phrase because of the intentions that it was left behind So when you channel that and you go in fantastic stuff. I love it I love this guy And he's funny and he's cute and it's you know it's a good time. So to all of you out there who are looking for a great testimonial for Jothi Ramesh. I can't speak more highly of him your sessions will be unique to you but they will be beneficial and you'll definitely learn a lot about yourself.
Tax & Audit
Hey everybody my name is Adam Moskowitz. I have been working with Jothi Ramesh for about the last 6 weeks or so and I have to say, I have been on a journey of self-discovery. For about the last decade, I read on average six self-help books a year. I do transformational studies and group thinking and all types of interesting stuff. I would be considered a very very left-brain individual being that I tend to process things very logically. So I get some of it, I don't get some of it, I keep trying but Jothi on the other hand, his methods have reached me in ways that I haven't been reached before and I'm really enjoying going places that I haven't discovered yet. He's taking me to a world of Eastern philosophy that I've touched on in my day. I've got, I mean my major in college was computer science so you can see where my left brain was. My minor though was compared to religion so I've always been thinking and searching and he's letting me to actually and he's leading me to actually combine the thoughts and combine the two. So I highly recommend his services. He is an amazing individual. He's been reaching me in ways that I have never been reached before and I want to thank him for everything that he did or is doing.
Fashion Jeweler
Greetings from Palestine Texas, USA. I'm Dr Carolyn J Booker fashion stylist with Park Lane Jewelry. My business is called Carolyn Style with Park Lane. This testimony is for Jothi Ramesh an intuitive life coach from India. I wanted to say thank you for the work we did together and for reaching out to me. During our 3 sessions, time literally flew by, When I started with Ramesh, I wanted some tools to help me move forward as a small business owner. In my business, I wear many hats and truly found the coaching sessions to be helpful. In addition to the interaction we had once a week, the tools he gave me to use in between our meetings were helpful as well. If you're looking for someone to help you in life or business I highly recommend Jothi Ramesh
How's it going? This is Eric Williams, the Solar Soldier here in Illinois. want to give a quick testimonial to Ramesh. Working with him for the last month and a half has been a life-changing experience. I've also doubled my business. I have a couple other businesses that I work here Knowing the fact that I had the ability to make changes in a short period of time just by changing the thought process and the my rituals that I do in the morning right now I'm actually gonna head to the gym now this is one of the things that I need to make sure I continue to do because like I said working with him within that a month and a half have already doubled you know my business and the income that I'm generating and building great relationships with others and by taking time for myself and my health and my mental state and my spiritual state. It's highly important and it's been beneficial. So like I said it's been life-changing and working with him for the last month and a half and looking forward to working with him more
Hey, this is Johnny Marciano and I just want to give a shout out to Ramesh from Coaching. A phenomenal soul a phenomenal individual caring very smart. Very helpful I had just one initial session which he always goes above and beyond from what I'm hearing and seeing from other people and it was such a great session so intuitive, Great energy, really caring and definitely someone that I'm going to be working with. So thank you very much for that and if you haven't already checked them out do yourself a favor. Have a great day
Real Estate
Hello, my name is Michelle Tarver and I would really like to give a testimonial for Jothi Ramesh, intuitive life coach. When I first came across him I thought what he was offering sounded interesting but to be honest I had no idea what intuitive life coach was but I had a strong urge to give it a try. I immediately felt comfortable and always felt he had a genuine interest in the wellbeing of others in every aspect of their lives. I cannot thank Jothi enough for his coaching for the first time in multiple aspects. I am discovering and understanding myself from his methods that are completely unique to most common Western cultures. My mindset is reframed and open to a much more rounded and healthier way of thinking which not only serves me but my business and all those that I'm in a relationship with. So I am eternally grateful God bless you and be with you as you coach me many many more.
Hi, I just wanted to take a moment to provide a testimonial for Jothi Ramesh. He's a spiritual and life coach that I met through a business networking group and decided to do some sessions with him. Which turned out really well. He helped me to get more specific and clear on my goals and also helped me to look at the affirmations and positive self-talk that I was using. So if you're looking for someone to help you grow Spiritually personally or professionally I recommend Jothi Ramesh.
Mortgage Broker
Hi, I just wanted to make a testimonial for Jothi Ramesh. I've been a coaching client of his now. So I did the first three and now I'm on the second three. I love so far what I've been experiencing with his coaching. He comes and has a unique approach which is a blend of Neuro Linguistics, energy and mindfulness and it's helped my business. I am a Mortgage Broker. Especially in this time when we are in an inversion and when most people are in survival mode I am actually thriving. So this is great. Thank you Jothi Ramesh for your coaching.
Innov8tive Nutrition
Hi Aloha, this is Marilyn from Honolulu, Hawaii. I'm super grateful for Ramesh and his reaching out to me. He's very intuitive and I loved working with him because he helped me to release a whole bunch of energy that did not serve me and we were working through different money mindsets and breakthroughs and I always look forward to seeing him. I think I make him laugh as well because I am just a quirky introvert. So thank you so much Ramesh for all that you do in helping me to scale my business to just think and dream bigger. Have a beautiful day
Life Coach
Hi Ramesh, I hope you guys are doing well I am just coming on here on this video today because I wanted to thank you profusely from the bottom of my heart for all of the work that we did together over the last couple of months. The work that we did together was actually groundbreaking when you guys came to me I was in a place where I was looking for something a little bit more deep a little bit more intuitive a little bit more I guess psychic if you want to say and you guys came into my life and I wanted to say thank you for the groundbreaking work that we did we worked on so many things the money mindset um releasing things from my body that have been there for many many years. All of the trauma the pain my goodness so many of the things that I've been working on for years we were able to work through in those ten sessions together and honestly I feel like I'm a completely different person. So I wanted to thank you and I wanted to do this video testimonial to say to you and to everyone else that might possibly be watching this Ramesh is an incredibly intuitive coach. They have literally helped me and helped some of my friends and you know to work through some of those really tough things when it comes to being a business person and being kind of I guess alone in your entrepreneurial journey. So again with that being said thank you so much you guys are amazing and anybody who is questioning whether or not to join one of their programs don't question it Follow your gut. Follow your intuition, and allow the process to guide you. Have a good day guys bye.
Hi, this is Amy Sherman self-employed individual in Maine Since meeting Ramesh the intuitive coach of Coaching. I have seen one hundred percent increases in my bottom line of earnings as a self-employed individual here in Maine. It has been absolutely amazing to get to know myself deeper and what drives me and they have absolutely been Epic in helping me to get there and be at the place I need to be since switching my career due to the pandemic. I'm so happy with my choice to meet with them. Absolutely worth every minute of my time that I have dedicated to talking with them and going through the coaching. I absolutely love the results and can't wait to see others succeed with the coaching from Ramesh Intuitive Coach. Thank you.
Wealth Coach and AI Researcher
Hello everyone, this is Ashish Bhoskar and I have been working with Jothi Ramesh ji under his mentorship. So by profession, I'm a software engineer and I'm also a wealth coach and I have been under the mentorship of Jothi Ramesh ji for the last few months. He is teaching me the techniques of attracting clients getting you know new business getting money how to attract more and more funds. So it has been a wonderful journey using the techniques I have been applying for last I'll say I've been using his techniques very strictly in the previous 4 to 5 weeks and I have seen wonderful results when I'm using his techniques to you know attract clients or saying that Just to what do you say, I'll say I'll just repeat the word itself when we say that 'This is a dream, I'm just a watcher!' So here what we are doing is we are getting out of the current situation and we have to do whatever is existing and then attract whatever you want. So even if we just say that whatever is happening currently is just a dream and I am coming out of that, it's also a wonderful technique to attract more and more things positive things that you want and ignore what is happening currently. Likewise, there are multiple things that I have learned from Jothi Ramesh ji. About attracting clients from various locations in the geography and attracting the energies positive energies for getting into a positive state of mind, I want to thank you so much Jothi Ramesh ji for all your help and support so far. Thank you so much Jothi Ramesh ji and it has been wonderful working with you, Thanks.
Image Consultant
Hello everyone, do you believe in intuitive powers or do you believe in miracles? I do because I have experienced that myself with my intuitive coach Jothi Ramesh. Jothi Ramesh sir has a deep knowledge of his concept and he can clearly read your mind where you are having confusion. He has guided me in many things and given me clarity in life. He told me how I have to balance my feminine and masculine energy so that I can channel my energies more in a productive way. He has also guided me on how to do some statements for 48 days and how I am going to be more powerful and actionable and He has guided many techniques like if you don't want to see some result you're not happy with what you have to see what statement you have to use so that you can change your conscious mind and change your reality. During one session when I was with him, I was having severe back pain lot of tiredness and a lot of confusion in my mind Within a few seconds while talking to him I noticed that my pain had reduced. I was not feeling that tired and I could see a smiling face myself how this happened within a few seconds that's the power of his intuitive magic. I highly recommend Jothi Ramesh Sir to everyone who wants to increase their intuitive powers, anybody who has some confusion in life, anybody who wants to seek the right path, how to go about, please contact Jothi Ramesh sir. You will be always grateful to him because he will guide you to the right
Project Manager
Hello everyone, I want to talk about the session that I attended with Coach Jothi Ramesh. The concepts I learned with this coaching was very excellent, especially the anchor's concept. I use it every day now to improve my life and all the techniques learned from this learned from session. I have paid the way for me to take action so that I am en route to creating a passive stream of income. All these concepts are helping me very much. I want to take this opportunity to thank Coach Ramesh for all the help and input he gave me through this session. Thank you
Hi everybody, I am Sundar from Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. I have been associated with Jothi Ramesh. His integrity and his hard work towards his coaching and I can recommend you to anyone to take his coaching. I wish him all the very best in his future. Thank you.
About to Finish PhD in Physics
Hello everyone, I am Arul Raj. Today I am going to share my experience with Jothi Ramesh Sir. I have known him for 15 years. When I was studying my 10th standard there was no light in my home. I was from a very poor background. I heard that there is a free night class which was conducted by the SWF Trust which is conducted by Jothi Ramesh Sir. So I have joined there. They supported me and trained me and motivated me a lot. By that, I got to school first and went to college and I got interested in studies. Then after I complete my 12th standard, I wish to become a scientist. I have chosen BSc physics MSc physics and followed by CSIR NET. I went to the CSIR NET coaching center because I wish to do my PhD at Good Institute for that coaching Jothi Sir helped me financially with his own money. Then I got the opportunity to do my PhD in IIT Hyderabad - PhD Physics. So I'm now in the final year about to finish my PhD. So through this journey, Jothi Ramesh has shared his knowledge, his experience, the law of nature, how to succeed in life, and how to pass the exam, he mentally prepared me a lot, So through this, I achieved this place. I achieved this Now. I have published eight international research articles. I thank you once again to Jothi Ramesh sir for your support. Thank you so much and thank you all
Head Mistress of a School
I'm Dr. Rajalakshmi. I have known Mr Ramesh since the year 2015. He is very well known to me and he is the very best coach as well as mentor and counselor for the student. Every year we used to call him and motivate our students. He coached our students very well and because of that our students came up with colors and we can achieve hundred percent results in our academic career
I’ve known Ramesh since our college days back in 2004, and now, as a CEO of a startup, I find myself turning to him for guidance. Running a company has its challenges—balancing sales, marketing, development, and everything in between while trying to make time for my family. It’s overwhelming, and I’ve struggled to prioritize and stay motivated.
Ramesh has been a huge help. I’ve read plenty of productivity books, but none of them really stuck. With him, it’s different. His approach is systematic, but also personal. He’s helped me shift from negative thinking to a more positive mindset and gave me the confidence to tackle sales with a clearer vision.
He’s also working with me to figure out my long-term goals, not just for my business, but for my life—who I want to be in 1, 5, 10, even 30 years down the line. It’s a work in progress, but I’m feeling more grounded and optimistic about becoming a better leader, father, and husband.
It’s been a journey, and I know I’m getting there, thanks to Ramesh’s support.
Jothi sir has been an excellent coach these past few weeks. He has a lot of knowledge on how to work with the Universe in order to manifest things we want. He’s also able to intuitively tell what is required to be imparted during each session so that the client advances in their journey of removing subconscious blocks for their manifestation to materialise.
He is very patient and has no problem repeating himself. He makes it a point to check in everyday, ask how you’re doing and make sure your questions are answered. This is outside the regular sessions that run for 90 minutes. He has also read extensively and is familiar with the teachings of great masters, so he is able to recommend books and techniques from various sources.
I’ve made tremendous progress towards my goal and feel better overall thanks to his guidance. I’m very hopeful and excited about the upcoming months when I will see more concrete results.
I came across Jothi Ramesh sir via Google .
Being a doctor , i never believed in stuffs which don't have a scientific reason.
Having taken few sessions with Sir , my entire ideology about life has changed . People acknowledge my change so much that they are seeing a different version of mine in my personal life .
His intuitive readings are very apt . His energy level is so high that we actually try to automatically balance our energy levels .
His meditation techniques and his method of approaching daily phenomena in our lives is totally different . He has a deep knowledge of what he teaches us .
He is a very genuine , transparent , and very amicable person .
His sessions have helped me both in my professional and personal life .
I am grateful to the universe for having introduced Jothi sir to me at the right time . I strongly recommend to people going through this review to interact with sir once atleast to feel the vibes .
Keep the good work moving on sir. All the best sir .
Jothi Ramesh is a boon you can get from universe. He is not just a teacher , he's a friend who will be there for you. Not just in his programs, you can have his guidance anytime. He'll help you grow , financially, emotionally, spiritually.
Personally, he's the best psychic I've ever came across, he don't just predict, he reads you and your journey all through it. His prayer before the commencement of the session itself will make you energized and clear you. Trust me, if you want to contact him, you don't do it by urself, it's cause the universe wants you to contact him.
He's a life maker, changer. Mr. Jothi Ramesh, Thank you so much for being in my life, All the best to you and all the best to the reader.
I spoke with Mr. Ramesh over the phone & signed up for the three months program (from July 1st, 2024 to Sept 30th 2024).When I started,my life was a chaos.Sir,healed me, from my past traumas,taught me activities like making affirmations/declarations, meditation etc., & helped me achieve clarity.
Within a month's time,i experienced many life changing miracles,with his help & I'm yet to enjoy & experience many such miracles. When I started,i thought that Sir was just a coach. However spending few weeks in his guidance,I gradually started to understand his psychic capabilities & divine grace which he holds.
Now he is not my coach alone! He is my spiritual mentor/Guru. I am blessed to be associated with him & I thoroughly enjoy my spiritual journey in his guidance.
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